Studi politici 2023-12-17T10:51:41+00:00 Luca Micheletta Open Journal Systems <p class="tm6"><span class="tm8">La rivista Studi Politici pubblica lavori originali di ricerca con una prospettiva ampia e interdisciplinare, proponendosi di diffondere conoscenze trasversali e di aprire un confronto tra studiosi di diverse impostazioni e discipline. </span></p> Preservare la scuola italiana in Istria. La diplomazia italiana e la questione delle scuole bilingui (1959) 2023-12-17T10:29:48+00:00 Arrigo Bonifacio <p>The article deals with the issue of bilingual schools in the former Free Territory of Trieste, a 1959 Yugoslav project aimed at creating in the Yugoslav administered Zone B new schools in which all classes would be taught in both Italian and Slovenian or Croatian. The Italian diplomacy strongly opposed this project, the implementation of which would almost certainly have led to the gradual closure of the schools with Italian as language of instruction provided by the 1954 London Memorandum of Understanding, and, in prospect, to the national assimilation of the Italian minority in Istria. The efforts of the Italian diplomacy were crowned with success: indeed, the Yugoslav authorities dropped the project, which was changed into the inclusion of the study of the Italian language in the Zone B schools with Slovenian and Croatian as language of instruction.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) “Voi, gentiluomini, siete gli storici”. Mary Astell e la “lunga” Rivoluzione inglese 2023-12-17T10:31:29+00:00 Eleonora Cappuccilli <p>In the long English Revolution of the seventeenth century, Mary Astell (1666-1731) gave one of the most original contributions to the debate accompanying the birth of the modern state. Drawing on the historical experience of English women such as petitioners, pamphleteers, prophetesses, dissenters as well as queens and literary women, who made forays into the rising public sphere, Astell conveys a critique of patriarchal relationships formalized in the English law and expressed in the reflection of both Filmer and social contract theorists. At the same time she asserted the necessary union of Anglican Church and absolute monarchy to ensure peace and order. This article investigates the unstable relationship between theology, politics and the critique of patriarchy in Astell’s thought as a contradictory elaboration of women’s contribution to early modern constitutional transformations in England.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Raffaele Guariglia ambasciatore a Parigi. Dalla Conferenza di Monaco all’“ora delle decisioni irrevocabili” (1938-1940) 2023-12-17T10:33:09+00:00 Andrea Marino <p>The article explores the development of Italian-French relations from 1938 to the outbreak of war, using the recollections of the Italian ambassador in Paris Raffaele Guariglia. The diplomat’s convictions and principles will be highlighted, as well as the doubts and growing perplexities that emerged during his mission in France. Indeed, the activity of the Italian diplomat remains fundamental, despite, the attention of historiography has mainly been paid to accounts concerning relations with Germany and the United Kingdom, given the centrality the regime assigned to these relations. However, the choice to totally ignore a promising diplomatic track and the efforts of one’s own ambassador must also be understood because it reveals how deep the will to war of Fascism, and Mussolini in particular, was.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Prime riflessioni sul pensiero di Paolo Grossi in tema di costituzionalismo 2023-12-17T10:34:31+00:00 Alessia Cucullo <p>This article is aimed to provide some considerations on the theme of constitutionalism in Paolo Grossi’s thought. After proposing a brief recap concerning modern and pos-modern, focus will be directed on the research of the carnality of law, going beyond the concept of the individual as a human model. The idea of law, as a dogma, is abandoned in order to take in it as an instrument aimed to bringing order in society. This idea in Italy is realized by the 1948 Constitution, which is presented to the citizen – as Paolo Grossi pointed out – as a legal breviary, a breviary of life. The Constitution is an authentically democratic instrument that incorporates those values, those principles that surely find consensus among all people. The Constitution represents, therefore, an instrument that makes those principles so impenetrable that it provides an instrument of control, able to limit legislative power where it conflicts with the fundamental rights.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Idiomatismi e discorso politico: fraseologismi nei programmi e comizi dei partiti populisti tedeschi per la campagna elettorale tedesca del 2021 2023-12-17T10:36:38+00:00 Isabella Ferron Vincenzo Gannuscio <p>Il discorso politico nelle sue varie forme ed espressioni è caratterizzato dall’uso di espressioni idiomatiche la cui funzione principale sembra essere quella di concentrare l’attenzione sugli aspetti emozionali del discorso. Nel linguaggio dei partiti populisti, sia di destra che di sinistra, i fraseologismi vengono frequentemente usati per presentare e supportare idee e programmi nel tentativo di attirare votanti e mantenere viva la loro attenzione su alcune tematiche (si pensi ad esempio alla crisi migratoria, alla pandemia di COVID-19). All’interno di questo contesto, il presente contributo si prefigge lo scopo di analizzare l’uso e la funzione dei fraseologismi di diversa tipologia nei programmi e nei comizi elettorali dei partiti populisti di destra, l’Alternative für Deutschland, e di sinistra, DIE LINKE, durante il periodo della campagna elettorale per le elezioni fede-<br>rali tedesche del 2021. Dall’analisi emerge che l’immediatezza e l’intelligibilità delle espressioni idiomatiche conferiscono enfasi al testo e contribuiscono alla comprensione di un determinato messaggio astratto, oltre che a connotare negativamente l’avversario.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Politiche linguistiche sovranazionali, nazionali e locali. La regolamentazione della comunicazione nello spazio pubblico in Europa, in Italia, nel Lazio e a Roma Capitale 2023-12-17T10:38:37+00:00 Alessandro Oricchio <p>In recent decades, the language issue has emerged more forcefully within the political debate, also according to the new needs arising from the rapid evolution of contemporary societies, which are configuring themselves as increasingly mobile, fluid, multicultural and multilingual contexts. The management of the linguistic element, therefore, has become a priority, as linguistic phenomena play a decisive role in the construction of the social and cultural reality. This article, after a brief discussion of the concepts of language planning and language policy, aims to offer an overview of the main language policy interventions in the supranational, national, regional and local dimensions, delving, then, into the last two dimensions by focusing on two case studies regarding the regulation of public space communication: the Lazio Region and the city of Rome.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) L’anti-teoria funzionalista: presupposti, sviluppo ed eredità di una dottrina delle relazioni internazionali 2023-12-17T10:40:36+00:00 Pierluigi Marinucci <p>In this article, an attempt is made to reconstruct the main theoretical steps of the functionalist doctrine, elaborated by David Mitrany since the early 1940s. The main goals of functionalist theory were those of a lasting social peace that could not be reduced to the mere absence of violence. At the same time, by isolating the theoretical frameworks of the functionalist cooperative procedure, its differences with neo-functionalism are noted in comparison.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Lettori di libri europei in Inghilterra dopo il Grand Tour 2023-12-17T10:43:50+00:00 Abigail Brundin Dunstan Roberts <p>The passage of European books into English great houses following the Grand Tour is a marker of cultural and linguistic exchange that often extended beyond the house itself to other readers and contexts. This article looks at some examples of Italian books in English Great House libraries curated by the National Trust.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) La Storia è diventata un luogo della memoria? 2023-12-17T10:45:27+00:00 François Hartog <p>The article analyses the XX century revolutionary transition that, on the final stages of both colonialism and the Second World War, led to a vision of History no longer as a paradigm under which man could gain a deeper understanding of his own path looking it through the lens of the past, but as a growing acceleration that looses itself in an endless progress. For now, scholars can only follow this spiral, venturing out in search of a plural History, able to subsume unto itself all the possible futures that may come. Therefore, waiting for the wider concept of Histories to take over from its singular, monolithic version, academics try to make in fit into a more general definition, such as the one, more and more popular, of Global History. </p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Valori e identità nell’Unione europea: un nuovo cleavage attraversa l’Europa? 2023-12-17T10:47:00+00:00 Maria Cristina Marchetti <p>The issue of European identity has been a major aspect of the debate on the integration process since the late 1990s. The paper aims to stress some peculiarities and contradictions, starting with the basic idea that European identity, like national one, is a collective identity. Through the reconstruction of some salient passages, the paper focuses on the following aspects: the contribution of European institutions to the construction of a common identity; Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty and the “European Way of Life”. Finally, the paper aims to analyse the controversial way in which European identity is conceived today, identifying a new cleavage, which opposes European Union to Europe.</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Recensioni 2023-12-17T10:51:41+00:00 Redazione <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> 2023-12-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)