Mechane 2024-06-03T07:58:05+00:00 Redazione Open Journal Systems <p>“Mechane” is an international journal that focuses on the question of technology, seen not only as a crucial topic for our present, but also as an essential question about the human condition as a whole. Philosophy of technology is meant as a theoretical framework that holds together different enterprises: ontology of the present, anthropology ad genealogy above all. The journal aims at being a meeting point – and an arena – where different and often disconnected traditions can confront with each other and communicate. Its purpose is to integrate different philosophical perspectives and fields of research concerning technology, in order to create an exchange with other disciplines and with hard sciences. From this standpoint, “Mechane” welcomes multidisciplinary contributes from many different research areas, such as history, anthropology and social sciences, neurosciences and psychology, engineering and linguistics. The contributions will be published in Italian, English, German, French and Spanish.</p> Tecnica e linguaggio 2024-06-03T07:58:05+00:00 Editorial Office <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Il frastuono della metafisica. Linguaggio e tecnica nel pensiero di Martin Heidegger 2024-05-23T12:28:42+00:00 Salvatore Spina <p>The paper aims to analyze the relationship between language and technology in Heidegger’s works. Both the questions have an ontological dimension: the language is designated by Heidegger as ‘the house of Being’ and the technology is the way, in which Being (not) appears in the Modernity.<br>The modern affirmation of technology sets a radical transformation in the shape of language. It becomes communication and information – technological language – and ‘misses’ its original relationship with the dimension of Being.<br>I will analyze this historical and ontological change to finally hint at a kind of language beyond the metaphysical determinations.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Alain Badiou e il linguaggio della filosofia tra sofistica e antifilosofia 2024-05-23T12:30:03+00:00 Claudio D’Aurizio <p>In Alain Badiou’s thought, the problem of defining philosophy and the question of its position in the field of practices and knowledge is often addressed through a confrontation and a struggle with some forms of thought that entertain a close relationship with it. Since the late 1980s, following the publication of his masterpiece, Being and Event (1988), Badiou started to measure philosophy against what he calls ‘Sophistry’ and ‘Antiphilosophy’ to deeply clarify and specify his idea of what philosophy is and does. The first term, sophistry, indicates for Badiou the major adversary of philosophical thought. The paper dwells on certain aspects of the relationship that philosophical practice entertains with these two categories starting from the question of language. This allows to set up some conceptual problems and clarify the theoretical stakes that they contain. Some of the questions that this attempt would like to address are the following: is there a specific language of philosophy? And what are its specific elements? What relations exist between the language of philosophy and the languages of poetry and mathematics (which for Badiou play a crucial role in the emergence of philosophy itself)?</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) “Un linguaggio in quanto tecnica del linguaggio”. Sulla teoria del cinema di Pasolini 2024-05-23T12:31:22+00:00 Francesco Mancuso <p>This paper focuses on the relationship between technique and language, as interpreted by Pier Paolo Pasolini in the mid-1960s. The contribution of technique on language is, in Pasolini, of decisive importance not only on a strictly linguistic level, but also on a socio-political and aesthetic one. Despite being associated with the risk of a potential homologation of language (the emergence of Italian as a national language), the contribution of technology in the years of the Italian “economic miracle” is seen by Pasolini, at the same time, as an opportunity for decisive confrontation and even “salvation” of the language of poetry. The contribution thus seeks to investigate this link through Pasolini’s theory of cinema and with a reference to one of Pasolini’s cinematic experiments in which the author’s metalinguistic and metacinematographic reflection is most evident: Appunti per un’Orestiade africana.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Simbolo, racconto, corpo in-textus. I dispositivi linguistici della temporalità 2024-05-23T12:32:46+00:00 Daria Baglieri <p>L’articolo presenta il linguaggio in una prospettiva fenomenologica ed ermeneutica, come facoltà dell’umano di produrre e reinventare il proprio mondo, per comprendere e oltrepassare la propria condizione – circostanza e vincolo – temporale. Il linguaggio diventa la “tecnica” umana atta ad afferrare, plasmare, frenare se possibile, un’inevitabile finitudine. Sono dispositivi linguistici atti a esprimere questa temporalità i simboli, i testi storici e di finzione, la corporeità. Un simbolo è la materia che l’umano semantizza per conservare e trasmettere un messaggio di epoca in epoca. Il textus, il racconto sia storico che di finzione, è il “tessuto” linguistico e l’”intreccio” narrativo che pone a distanza il presente per suggerirvi una prospettiva, un significato diversi. Textus spaziotemporale e più diretta espressione della temporalità è infine il corpo, che nella creatività del movimento e nella spontaneità dell’anticipazione stratifica le abitudini e orienta il presente all’avvenire. Così, nella materia, nelle narrazioni, fin nella carne viva, l’uomo tenta di comunicare e comprendere la propria temporalità e in qualche misura oltrepassare la propria finitudine.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Apertura originaria alla tecnica dell’umano e pericolo della regressione in Bernard Stiegler 2024-05-23T12:38:39+00:00 Andrea Velardi <p>The aim of the paper is to address the issue of the ambivalence of the original opening to the technique of human being in Bernard Stiegler’s theory in order to integrate the pharmacological account of the technique as medicine and poison that characterizes the second period of his reflection to the conception deepened in the Trilogy devoted on one hand to the original intertwining among human being, technique and temporality and on the other hand to the interplay between the oblivion of Epimetheus and the hybris of Prometheus. Following Leroi-Gourhan’s paleoanthropology, that original connection involves the necessary role of technique’s externalizations that generates an amount of a deployed and relatively detached thesaurus of traces, languages and documentality called by Stiegler tertiary retention. We deepen the issue of the intertwining between externalizations and the necessity of a continuous effort of re-internalization of these ones, linked with Simondon’s psychological and social individuation, in order to avoid the degeneration of the original connection between humanity and technique in a form of regression, symbolic misery and digital nichilism.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) L’avvenire di Mnemosyne L’eredità di Warburg come compito per le digital humanities 2024-05-23T12:39:04+00:00 Michele Capasso <p>In many ways Mnemosyne, the Bilderatlas composed by Warburg opened up hermeneutical and critical possibilities yet largely to be explored. Through a revolutionary method, montage, and a specific technical language, photography – which allowed him to isolate gestures and details of selected artworks and materials – the critic was able to collect a “moving image” of the Modern through the survival of the Ancient. Today, on the one hand, scholars try to “operationalize” the search for types and Pathosformeln through specific algorithms; on the other hand, they experiment with and configure virtual explorations of the Warburghian archive online. Moving from Warburg’s work, this essay seeks to problematize methodological and hermeneutical issues in light of the development of the latest technologies and the possible implications for humanities and digital studies.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Nome, immagine, gesto. Walter Benjamin tra linguaggio e tecnica 2024-05-23T12:39:24+00:00 Angelica Rocca <p>This paper aims to draw a path thorugh Benjamin’s philosophy of language in its relation with media and technics, finding a start point in “name” and an arrival in “gesture”. Reading the philosopher’s essay, On Language as such and on the Language of Man (1916), we can stretch one key subject of this philosophy: language as medium in which both men and nature communicate. Language is mostly community every being takes part to, against the “bourgeois” conception of language as simple means of signification. This idea bares theological and mystical references, but it can be also related to later developments of Benjamin’s work about technological reproducibility and its political uses. In the essay on language, the philosopher regards human “name” the translation for the mute language of things. Image and gesture, whose configurations are widely explored in Benjamin’s works about photography, cinema and radio, can be seen as translations too, exspecially for their political implications.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Parola e tecnica. L’eclissi del linguaggio come eclissi dell’umano 2024-05-23T12:37:50+00:00 Enrico Palma <p>The essay attempts to articulate a reflection on the language-technique relationship, focusing in particular on the negative influence that technique determines on the linguistic essence of human. Our premise is that current times are an era of cultural and spiritual decline, as this linguistic essence is increasingly lacking. To discuss causes, origins and possible escape routes from this trap, here we try to decline a free dialogue with Heidegger’s later work, mostly following this argumentation: the concealment of essence of entity carried out by technique; the relationship between word, technique and unveiling; the re-appropriation of entity and lost essence of human through an idea of science and knowledge that is absolutely not subjugated by contemporary technical deployment, which knows how to redeem language and listen to it again.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)