Cyberspazio e realtà virtuale. L’esperienza della spazialità negli ambienti digitali

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Bandi, F. (2021). Cyberspazio e realtà virtuale. L’esperienza della spazialità negli ambienti digitali. Aesthetica Preprint, (117). Recuperato da


Virtual reality (VR) space, generated by the environmental images experienced through head-mounted displays, must be included in the wider family of cyberspace. While sharing some of the fundamental characteristics of cyberspace, VR space defines a particular kind of space, which can be understood as a space to be inhabited. Through the concept of deterritorialisation, which characterises the cyberspace experience, it will be highlighted how the VR experience also generates a reterritorialisation. Finally, through the phenomenological method, some structures of spatial experience will be outlined and applied to the spatiality of virtual environments.
