Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy 2024-01-31T14:20:24+00:00 Redazione Open Journal Systems <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Italian Society of Moral Philosophy, following its statutory act, has established <em>Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy, </em>a new scientific, digital, open access, double blind journal.</p> <p>The publication of Articles, Discussions and Reviews does not have any fees for authors.</p> <p>The journal aims to be a common space for research, open to the contribution of all people involved in the study of ethics, and capable of promoting a sense of belonging to the scientific community of moral philosophers.</p> <p><em>Filosofia morale/Moral Philosophy </em>publishes Articles, Discussions and Reviews in the field of moral philosophy and neighbor disciplines (politics, theoretical philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of language, anthropology, religion), in a pluralistic perspective, open to the different traditions of thought and the different approaches animating the ethical debate. The journal hosts historical, theoretical, applied and interdisciplinary contributions. The contributions can be written in Italian, English, French, German, and Spanish, provided they are written or revised by a native speaker.</p> <p>The selection criteria are argumentative precision, originality of the thesis, accuracy of documentation, as well as propriety and respect for every person, also in the expression of objections and critiques to authors.</p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">The journal hosts three sections: Articles, Discussions and Reviews.</span></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">The </span><strong><span class="tm9">Articles</span></strong><span class="tm8"> section is non-thematic: contributions are published on any topic that falls within the area of moral philosophy broadly understood. </span><strong><span class="tm9">All scholars are invited to contribute.</span></strong></p> <p class="tm7"><strong><span class="tm9">Articles can be submitted throughout the year</span></strong><span class="tm8"> by uploading them anonymously in the appropriate section of the site:&nbsp;</span><u><a href=""><span class="tm8"></span></a></u></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">Proposals are assessed on a double-blind basis. Publication takes place in the first available issue.</span></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">The </span><strong><span class="tm9">Discussion</span></strong><span class="tm8"> section is thematic: the first issue was devoted to the theme </span><em><span class="tm10">Where is moral philosophy headed to? </span></em><span class="tm8">hosting contributions by Laura Boella, Piergiorgio Donatelli, Adriano Fabris, Luca Fonnesu, Bruno Moroncini and Paola Ricci Sindoni. </span></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="tm7">&nbsp;</p> <p class="tm7"><strong><span class="tm9">Interested scholars are invited to submit contributions</span></strong><span class="tm8">. </span></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">Submissions should be between 20,000 and 30,000 characters in length, including spaces and bibliography. They should be uploaded anonymously to the following address:</span></p> <p class="tm7"><u><a href=""><span class="tm8"></span></a></u></p> <p class="tm7"><span class="tm8">Proposals are assessed on a double-blind basis.</span></p> Editoriale 2024-01-31T13:49:42+00:00 Anna Donise Roberto Mordacci <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Grazie. Per Giuseppe Cantillo (1940-2023) 2024-01-31T13:51:18+00:00 Anna Donise Roberto Mordacci <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Henry James’s Characters: Ethics through Different Awarenesses 2024-01-31T13:52:55+00:00 Fabrizia Abbate <p>In this contribution we propose an ethical reading of some of Henry James’ characters, focusing in particular on The Portrait of a Lady, one of the masterpieces of world literature, a milestone in the social and psychological debate related to women’s awareness and emancipation. Relying on the dialectical tools of hermeneutics, we analyze the meanings of moral actions and feelings as built into the plot, comparing different paths of ethical awareness.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Ripensare la tolleranza religiosa in Utopia di Thomas More 2024-01-31T13:54:16+00:00 Giacomo Maria Arrigo <p>This article revisits the idea of religious tolerance in Thomas More’s Utopia. By reviewing the often-conflicting readings that have been given to this concept, the article maps More’s influences on later Deism of 17th and 18th centuries, and shows that Utopia’s tolerance is based on the critique of the notion of pride, which is already the basis of Utopian communism. In arguing the impracticality of possessing truth because God is superior to reason (“supra mentis humanae captum”), More thus removes the possibility of exercising dominion in religious affairs.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) L’insostenibile leggerezza del Metaverso: tra tensioni geopolitiche e questioni etico-politche 2024-01-31T13:56:20+00:00 Giuseppe De Ruvo <p>This paper thematizes the critical issues underlying the emergence of the Metaverse, pointing out how it may exacerbate and radicalize geopolitical and ethical-political issues. In particular, we will examine how the emergence of the Metaverse might impact Sino-American relations and phenomena such as political radicalization, loss of decision-making autonomy and climate change. In conclusion, the article outlines a critical-philosophical attitude that should accompany the birth of the Metaverse</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Il ruolo della valutazione forte in A Secular Age di Charles Taylor 2024-01-31T13:57:59+00:00 Enrico Di Meo <p>The aim of this essay is to underline the importance of the ‘strong evaluation’ in Charles Taylor’s mature work A Secular Age (2007), despite the fact that this expression finds only two occurrences in the text. Through this, the development and difficulties of this crucial concept in Taylor’s reflection will be traced; and insights will be provided into Taylor’s ambitions in the search for an ontology that forms the basis of a moral realism.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Autonomia e sottomissione. Hegel interprete dei drammi di Schiller 2024-01-31T13:59:29+00:00 Federica Pitillo <p>This paper starts from the idea that Schiller, especially of the tragic phenomenon that allows in his mature dramas, presents a refined reflection of the tragic phenomenon, which allows us to rethink, with and beyond Hegel, the conflict between the individual and ethics, outlined in the Elements of the Philosophy of Right. More specifically, we will try to show how some of Schiller’s dramas can play a significant role in the construction of a Hegelian theory of passions. By analysing the concepts of revenge, guilt, crime and what we would today define as narcissism, we will see how Hegel attempts to base his theory of passions on the mediation – not always without opacity – between ancient and modern, fate and character, submission and autonomy.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) A Biocentric Ontology at the Basis of an Anthropocentric Concept of Co-Responsibility to Non-Human World 2024-01-31T14:01:00+00:00 Giulia Battistoni <p>Starting from the Australian case Sharma v. Minister for the Environment this paper discusses the concept of responsibility in the face of current environmental challenges, showing that the traditional concept of a retrospective, causal, individual responsibility is not able to account for secondary consequences of human actions on future generations and on the environment. This leads to the urgent elaboration of a wider concept of responsibility, which the paper sets out to discuss and to which it offers suggestions.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Responsabilità e etica della cura tra esistenza e relazione 2024-01-31T14:02:28+00:00 Francesco Miano <p>The essay aims to delve into the centrality of the notions of care and responsibility within an ethical framework that can move beyond the concreteness of existence, overcoming abstract and deductive forms, and activating new paths of thought. The work emphasizes, in particular, the connection between care, responsibility, and the constitutive relational dimension of the human subject. Care and responsibility bring to light the indispensability of this dimension, highlighting how human existence is inherently characterized ethically in terms of response and taking on oneself.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) La cura oltre la responsabilità: limiti dell’approccio jonasiano all’idea di sostenibilità 2024-01-31T14:03:54+00:00 Luca Pantaleone <p>The concept of responsibility elaborated by Hans Jonas is at the basis of a precise idea of sustainability, centered on the scientific ability to make predictions and on the fear of the consequences that human actions can have on life.<br>The purpose of the article is to investigate the limits of this approach, highlighting how the idea of a care connected to this kind of responsibility can limit individual freedoms and dangerously exclude the truth from the field of moral action.<br>In particular, attention is given to the legitimacy of Jonas’s principle of responsibility, to its foundation and to the path he followed to set up an ethics of ends that is respectful of man’s duty to preserve life.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Navigating the Epistemic Responsibilities of Individuals and Institutions for Sustainability 2024-01-31T14:05:06+00:00 Giulio Pennacchioni <p>This paper delves into individual and institutional epistemic responsibilities on climate change and sustainability. It highlights the challenges individuals face in understanding climate information and emphasizes the pivotal role of intergovernmental institutions and states as “epistemic facilitators”. Despite the meritorious efforts of organizations such as UNESCO in this sense, only states and institutions can fulfill the epistemic responsibility of sharing accurate climate change information, educating citizens and consumers, and implementing sustainable policies.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Della libertà dinanzi all’estinzione. La sostenibilità come questione morale e sociale 2024-01-31T14:06:53+00:00 Matteo Pietropaoli <p>The aim of this work is to explore the relationship between the concept of freedom, particularly individual freedom in advanced societies, and the threat of extinction. The threat of extinction is not limited here to the extreme case of human life, but also includes the disappearance of natural ecosystems and animal species. This exploration highlights how the issue of sustainability, which is mainly of an environmental nature, requires moral and social (as well as scientific) considerations in order to be understood and addressed. In the case of studies relating to environmental ethics, in terms of sustainability, responsibility, and care for the environment, the interdisciplinary aspect must therefore be extended both to a sociological understanding of the current scenario and to a psychological reflection of ongoing dynamics. Once these aspects have been faced, starting from the primary character of individual freedom, this article tries to propose a moral experiment that recognizes the importance of the ethical theme of extinction, also in relation to the scientific uncertainty on the severity of the environmental disaster.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Calogero Caltagirone, “Sono me grazie a te”. Per un’antropologia e un’etica delle relazioni umane, Studium Edizioni, Roma 2022, pp. 246 2024-01-31T14:12:22+00:00 Fabrizia Abbate <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Agustín Domingo Moratalla, Homo curans. El coraje de cuidar, Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid 2022, pp. 193 2024-01-31T14:13:39+00:00 Nunzio Bombaci <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) John Dewey, Liberalismo e azione sociale, Società Aperta, Sesto San Giovanni (MI) 2023, pp. 110 2024-01-31T14:14:44+00:00 Federica Castelli <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Hannes Kerber and Svetozar Y. Minkov (a cura di), Leo Strauss on Plato’s Euthyphro. The 1948 Notebook, with Lectures and Critical Writings, The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park (Penn) 2023, pp. 231 2024-01-31T14:15:56+00:00 Marco Menon <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Daniele Lorenzini, The Force of Truth. Critique, Genealogy, and Truth-Telling in Michel Foucault, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London 2023, pp. 198 2024-01-31T14:17:10+00:00 Roberto Mordacci <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Rachel Bespaloff, L’eternità nell’istante. Gli anni francesi (1932-1942), a cura di Cristina Guarnieri e Laura Sanò, Castelvecchi, Roma 2022 2024-01-31T14:18:35+00:00 Orietta Ombrosi <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Giovanni Boniolo, Decidere, morire, essere nella medicina di oggi, Mimesis, Milano 2023, pp. 208 2024-01-31T14:20:24+00:00 Achille Zarlenga <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)