Cirpit Review


  • Autorizzazione Tribunale di Milano n. 105 – 03 aprile 2013

  • Annual

  • blind peer review

Cirpit Review


The CIRPIT REVIEW (CR) was born in June 2009, together with CIRPIT (Intercultural Center dedicated to Raimon Panikkar, our Honorary President) with the aim of spreading intercultural thought and philosophy, of which the philosopher was one of its pioneers. The Review therefore welcomes articles and scholarly contributions on Panikkar’s thought and interculture, giving particular emphasis to the pluralism of cultures and traditions. The CRM aim is to promote research and reflection on the human factor and his current crisis situation, which Panikkar defined in terms of shattering of man and his knowledge, indicating his unique path in a profound transformation, which requires an interculturation between the Eastern and Western cultures of humanity, as an indispensable condition for its survival. In particular the inter-intra-cultural dialogue allows the realization of a relational thought able to harmoniously embrace the multiple intercultural, interreligious, interdisciplinary and ecosophical aspects, in full respect of their differences. According to Panikkar, what is needed today is a unifying  horizon, a myth to be built together, that he intuits as cosmotheandric - the primordial triad of Earth-Man-Heaven - able  to re-connect the worlds and that he thinks to be intuitively present in the various traditional cultures of humanity: "If one of these worlds is missing, man is not man, the world is not world, God is not God" (Panikkar). It is not a universalistic perspective of globalization that cancels the differences according to the law of the strongest, but rather an a-dualistic approach, conciliating traditions in their diversities, thanks to their conscious acceptance of its richness - that is not be reduced to a monistic unit nor to a dispersed, unrelated multiplicity - becoming a source of fruitful exchange, of interculturation, and of common growth of the human conscience oriented to the continuity of life. We hope that our Center dedicated to Raimon Panikkar together with our Review (CR) and Collection Triquetra ( MIMESIS-CIRPIT international co-editorial project) can contribute to the current challenge of the third millennium.

Editorial board

Young-Chan Ro M.Roberta Cappellini Giuseppe Cognetti Fred Dallmayr Errol D’Lima Marcello Ghilardi Mohamed Haddad Luciano Mazzoni Benoni Jacob Parappally Victorino Pérez Prieto Joseph Prabhu Achille Rossi Giorgio Taffon

Editorial office

Gino Alberti